Welcome to the Tolman Wellness Centre website (the Website), which is owned and operated by TOLMAN WELLNESS ORG (weusourThor Tolman, Breanna Stevens, TWC), registered to:

Your access to the Website is conditional upon your acceptance and compliance with the terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers contained in this document (collectively known as Terms of Use). Your use of, and/or access to, the Website constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use and other applicable Law.

We reserve the right to amend the Terms of Use at any time. Although we may notify you of any amendment, revision or modification, it is your responsibility to periodically review the Terms of Use. You agree to be bound by such changes, modifications or revisions as made by us from time to time.

Our Services

We cannot be responsible for any delays or interruptions to the Website. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimise delays and interruptions. However, we cannot warrant that the Website will be available at all times or at any given time.

We may at any time and without notice to you, discontinue the Website in whole or in part. However, we cannot be responsible for any loss, cost, damage or liability that may result from our discontinuance of the Website.


The websites owned by Tolman Wellness, including but not limited to tolmanwellnesscentre.org, tolmanwellness.com, tolmanwellness.org, and their associated social media pages, and any Tolman Wellness online membership platform (collectively referred to as Tolman Wellness websites), contains information written by a variety of sources. The material is provided for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your professional healthcare providers before beginning any new treatment or health regime.

The resources delivered by Tolman Wellness Centre, including any website copy, events, expert podcast series, live or recorded Q&As, videos, MP3s, case studies and all other supporting and/or supplemental educational including video, voice and sound recordings, images, graphs, workbooks and any other product (collectively referred to as “the Services”) have not been evaluated by any Food & Drug Administration Body. The Services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and cannot be considered a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional.

Prohibited Conduct

In relation to the Website, you must not:

  • use the Website for any activities or post or transmit via the Website, any information or materials which breach any laws or regulations, infringe a third party’s rights, or are contrary to any relevant standard or codes;

  • use the Website to post or transmit any material which interferes with other users or defames, harasses, threatens, menaces, offends or restricts any person or which inhibits any user from using the Website or the Internet;

  • use the Website to send unsolicited email messages;

  • in any way tamper with, hinder or modify the Website;

  • knowingly transmit any viruses or other disabling features to the Website or via the Website; or

  • attempt any of the above acts or facilitate or assist another person to do any of the above acts.


Intellectual Property

The material on the Website, including the software, design, text, images and graphics comprised in the Website and the selection and layout of the Website are owned or under licence by Tolman Health and are protected by Hong Kong and International laws.

Your use of the Website does not grant you a licence or act as a right of use of any of the trademarks or logos, whether registered or unregistered, that are displayed on the Website without the express written permission of the trademark owner.

This site and the content comprising the Services are protected by copyright laws and belong to TH or its partners, affiliates, contributors or third parties. The copyrights for all graphics, photographs, images, artwork, text, fonts, software and other technology, and the contents, design, layout, functions, appearance and other intellectual property, comprising the Services are owned by TH or other copyright owners who have authorised the use of this site.

Permission is granted to electronically copy and print hard copy portions of this site for the sole purpose of placing an order with TH or purchasing TH products. You may display and, subject to any expressly stated restrictions or limitations relating to specific material, download or print portions of the material from the different areas of the site solely for your own personal, non-public, non-commercial use.

You must not:

  • reproduce or use any of the material on the Website for commercial purposes, including sale;

  • in any way modify the material on the Website; or

  • cause any of the material on the Website to be framed or embedded in another website.

  • Use any of the marks or logos appearing throughout the site without the prior written consent of TWC, unless expressly permitted under these Terms of Use.

In summary, you must not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, frame, upload to a third party, post, transmit or distribute the content of the Website in any way except as expressly provided for by us or expressly authorised in writing by us.

In the event that you do any of the above acts, we will not hesitate to enforce our intellectual property rights against you.

Restrictions Of Use

You agree to use this site only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the Services are provided for non-commercial, personal use, and/or so that you may learn about TWC and our events and/or products. You may not use the Services for any other purpose without TWC’s express prior written consent. You shall not modify the Services in any way, nor shall you attempt to access any content that is not intended for you.

Neither you nor any other party purporting to be authorised by you, are permitted to use the Services and any name, logo, trademark or any other intellectual property associated with the Services, for any purpose other than that authorised by these Terms of Use without the prior written consent of TWC.

Participation Conduct

Harassment in any manner or form on the TWC websites, including via email, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook comments or otherwise, is strictly forbidden. You may not upload to, distribute, or otherwise publish through the TWC websites any content which is libellous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, illegal, or otherwise objectionable which may constitute or encourage a criminal offence, violate the rights of any party or which may otherwise give rise to liability or violate any law.

Impersonation of others, including a TWC or other licensed employee, host, or representative, as well as other members or visitors on the site is prohibited.

You may not upload commercial content on the site or use the site to solicit others to join or become members of any other commercial online service or other organisation.

Although under no obligation to do so, TWC reserves the right to monitor the use of this site and the Services to determine compliance with these Terms of Use, as well as the right to remove or refuse any information for any reason.

Thor Tolman, Breanna Stevens and Tolman Wellness Centre does not and cannot review all communications and materials posted to or created by users accessing the site and is not in any manner responsible for the content of these communications and materials. You acknowledge that by providing you with the ability to view and distribute user-generated content on the site, Thor Tolman and Tolman Wellness Centre is merely acting as a passive conduit for such distribution and is not undertaking any obligation or liability relating to any contents or activities on the site.

However, Thor Tolman, Breanna Stevens and Tolman Wellness Centre reserves the right to block or remove communications or materials that it determines to be:

  1. Abusive, defamatory, offensive or obscene,

  2. Fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading,

  3. In violation of a copyright, trademark or; other intellectual property rights of another; or

  4. In breach of these Terms of Use or otherwise unacceptable to TT in its sole discretion.

Third-party links

The Website may contain hyperlinks and other pointers to websites operated by third parties (Linked Websites). We do not control Linked Websites and are therefore not responsible for the content of any Linked Website or any hyperlink contained in a Linked Website. We provide the hyperlinks for your convenience only and do not indicate, expressly or implicitly, any endorsement, sponsorship or approval by us of a Linked Website or the products or services offered at Linked Websites. You visit Linked Websites entirely at your own risk.

We do not provide any warranty or take any responsibility for any aspect of Linked Websites or their content. You should make your own investigations with respect to the suitability of goods and/or services offered to you via a Linked Website.


By using the Website, you agree to indemnify Tolman Wellness & Tolman Wellness Centre from and against all actions, claims, suits, demands, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (whether in tort or in contract including and without limitation, negligence) arising out of or in any way connected to the use of the Website by you.


Some legislation, such as The Australian Consumer Law and other similar consumer protection laws and regulations in other countries may confer you with rights and remedies relating to the provision of goods or services to you by us via the Website which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified (your “Statutory Rights”). We exclude all conditions and warranties implied by custom, law or statute except for your Statutory Rights.

Except for your Statutory Rights and with respect to the Website:

  • all material on the Website is provided to you without warranties of any kind, either express or implied;

  • we expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind including but not limited to warranties of acceptable quality and fitness for a particular purpose;

  • we do not warrant that the functions contained in any material on the Website or your access to the Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that any defects will be corrected or that the Website or the server which stores and transmits material to you are free of viruses or any other harmful components; and

  • we do not warrant or make any representation regarding your access to, or the results of your access to, the Website including its correctness, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability or otherwise.

To the extent permitted by law, including but not limited to any act or omission on your part, we will not be liable for any loss, damage, costs or expense whether direct, indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential, including loss of profits, suffered by you or claims made against you which result from any use or access of, or any inability to use or access, the Website.

You expressly acknowledge that we do not exert control over users of the Internet and we are not liable for damage suffered by you, either directly or indirectly, as a result of your access to the Website.

Limitation of Liability

To the extent permitted by law, our liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition, which cannot be excluded by the Terms of Use, is limited, at our option, to one or more of the following:

In the case of services supplied or offered by us:

  • the resupply of the services; or

  • the payment of the cost of having the services resupplied.

In the case of goods supplied or offered by us:

  • the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods;

  • the repair of such goods;

  • the payment of the costs of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods; or

  • the payment of the costs of having the goods repaired.



By agreeing to and accepting the Terms of Use, you also agree to the Tolman Wellness Centre Privacy Policy.


The Terms of Use are effective until terminated by us, which we may do at any time and without notice to you. In the event of termination, all restrictions imposed on you by the Terms of Use and limitations of liability set out in the Terms of Use will survive.


We rely upon your continued observance of the Terms of Use. If we suffer loss or damage or incur any costs associated with any breach by you of the Terms of Use or any associated legal obligation, you agree to indemnify us for those losses, damages and costs.

We do not make any claims that the information is appropriate or may be downloaded in all areas, countries or jurisdictions. Access to the information contained in the Website may not be legal by certain persons or in certain countries. If you access the Website, you do so at your own risk and you are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction.

If any provision of the Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a Court of Law, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the remainder of the document, which will continue in full force and effect.

All rights not expressly granted in the Terms of Use are reserved.

If we do not act in relation to a breach of the Terms of Use by you, this does not waive our rights to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches of the Terms of Use by you.

Applicable Law

The Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Australia. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Australia from them for determining any dispute concerning the Terms of Use.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Terms & Conditions, please reach out to Customer Service using the Contact Us form. 

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before booking a Tolman Wellness Centre booking or event. Registration to any Tolman Wellness Centre stay in our centre or attendance at our events means that you agree to all Event Terms.

Any participation in any of these services, will constitute worldwide acceptance and be bound by the terms of this binding legal agreement (referred to herein as “Agreement”), owned by Tolman Wellness Centre (referred to herein as “we”, “us”, “our”, or “TWC”) and our users or buyers (“you” or “Attendee”).

All TWC events and its components are offered for informational and educational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  All the information shared at Tolman Wellness Centre or events are our opinions and should not be used in place of the advice of a physician or medical professional. Any dietary or lifestyle changes implemented as a result of the information provided is done at your own discretion, and you understand that you are responsible for your own health and any desired outcomes.

We reserve the right, at our sole and absolute discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these terms at any time without notice and, unless otherwise indicated, such changes will become effective immediately. Therefore, please check these terms periodically for changes. Your continued participation towards our events following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes.

Deposit and Payments

All payments will be processed via credit card at the time of booking an event. The Attendee is responsible for notifying TWC of any changes to credit card details prior to payments being processed.


A deposit, in an amount agreed upon at the time of registration, may be paid to secure your booking.

Payment Plan

Payment plan options are not available for all events.

Payment plans will be scheduled on mutually agreed-upon processing dates.

All payment plans incur a 10% administration fee to cover costs incurred with facilitating the payment plan, and will be added to the final cost of the event.

Final Payment

The final payment for your stay at Tolman Wellness Centre event must be processed no later than 7 days prior to the commencement of your stay, unless otherwise stated. Final payment for a live virtual event must be processed a minimum of 14 days prior to the first day of the event unless otherwise stated. Refer to the terms and conditions specified on your event enrolment form, or contact us to confirm the final payment date.

**The Attendee is only considered a participant to the centre/event once payment has been received in full.


Fees and Prices

Our nominated currency is AUD, therefore all prices are quoted and payable in this currency unless otherwise specified.

Additional 3rd Party Fees

Bank Fees – TWC is a global organisation. We are not responsible for additional fees charged by banks for international transaction fees. Please check with your bank prior to purchasing to inquire if additional fees apply.

Customs Fees – Every country is different with its customs regulations for charging fees, whether they exist and, if so, how much. We are not responsible for overseas orders should they incur additional customs charges. It is recommended to contact your local customs office to inquire further.

Rescheduling Your Own Enrolment / Booking

All communication to enquire and/or make arrangements for an alternative event must be emailed to hello@tolmanwellnesscentre.org, in line with the below guidelines.

Accommodation at Tolman Wellness Centre

Where you are unable to attend the booking on the dates for which you have enrolled:

  1. Notice provided 7 days or more prior to the booking/event start date, you may reschedule your attendance to the same booking taking place within twelve (12) months of the original start date, without incurring a transfer fee.

  2. Notice provided under 30 days prior to the event start date results in forfeiting your position and is not eligible for a refund.  

Virtual Events

Where you are unable to participate in the event on the dates for which you have registered:

  1. Notice provided within 14 days of the event start date incurs a $250AUD admin fee.

  2. Notice provided within 7 days of the event start date incurs a $500AUD admin fee.

Additional fees will be invoiced and sent to you via email. Once payment has been received, you will be added to the attendee list for the alternative event dates as requested. 


Once the first payment has been made, you are entitled to 7 days as a cooling off period where you can change your mind and cancel your position at our program.

Cancellations made during the 7-day cooling-off period will incur a 5% processing fee, calculated on monies received to date. This fee will be deducted from the amount to be refunded.

Refunds will be processed on the same credit card that was provided to process payments.

After the 7-day cooling-off period, a refund will NOT be processed.


Transferring Bookings / Tickets (Name Change)

An booking may be transferred to another person whom you nominate, provided the following guidelines are met:

  1. The request to transfer to another person must be submitted prior to the final payment date. Refer to the ‘Deposits and Payments’ section of these Terms.

  2. The name and full contact details of the person taking your place is provided to TWC no later than seven (7) prior to the event; emailed to hello@tolmanwellnesscentre.org.

  3. Payment of an administration fee in the amount AUD$130 is paid at the time of notifying TWC of the transfer.

  4. The person taking your place understands that by accepting the transfer they are bound by these terms and conditions.


TOLMAN WELLNESS CENTRE BOOKING Bookings are Non-Transferable.


Where the Attendee passes away, a death certificate must be provided to process a refund. A refund may be provided per the following:

  1. Death occurs prior to the event

    More than 45 days – full refund of monies received, less a 10% administration fee.
    Less than 45 days – full refund of monies received, less 30% administration fee.

  2. Death occurs during the event

We do NOT refund any monies received once the event has commenced, due to financial commitments to the event. The Attendee’s emergency contact person assumes all responsibility of the emergency process as soon as our team has contacted them. Your nominated emergency contact must agree to these terms, therefore we strongly recommend providing him/her with a copy of this Agreement.

Tolman Wellness Centre Program Changes

We may for any reason deem it necessary to change the program dates, audience capacity, venue, speaker or hours without prior notice.

Tolman Wellness Event Cancellation and Rescheduling

TWC reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any event if we feel it is necessary and in the best interest for both parties (You, the attendee, and TWC), this includes instances of Force Majeure.

We will notify you in writing no later than 30 days before the event is due to begin, except for Force Majeure, unusual or unforeseen circumstances outside the TH’s control. In which case, we will transfer your enrolment to another available date, or offer another program of equal value, to attend within the year. Monies paid will not be refundable and TWC will not be held liable for any compensation.

Tolman Wellness Centre Participation Disclaimer

By participating in an any in-person or online session, facilitated by Thor Tolman, Breanna Stevens or a Tolman Wellness Centre coach, you acknowledge that the TWC representative is not a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional, and does not give medical advice. Any in person or online sessions are not a substitute for professional medical treatment or advice and does not purport to provide medical information or diagnoses. All the information shared by the TWC representative is of his/her opinion and it should not be used in place of your physician or medical professionals. 


The TWC representative does not represent or guarantee that participants will experience any result or outcome by implementing any recommendation or advice provided.


You understand, when participating in suggested  exercises, you are doing so at your own risk, and you are responsible for monitoring your own health and ability levels. You are responsible for stopping the process at any time you feel unusual discomfort.


The TWC representative and their officers, employees, agents, contractors, consultants and representatives assume no responsibility or liability for any consequences, including any injury, death, damage, loss, delay, cost, expense, or inconvenience arising directly or indirectly from advice, opinions, or any action or inaction taken by you as a result of the information provided to you or by participation in the session.


You understand it is advised to not partake in any alcohol or recreational drugs the day prior to any online or live sessions.


Online and live sessions include, but are not limited to Breathwork, Emotional Clearing, Sound Healing, any other healing modalities. 


Breathwork Sessions

You understand the following medical conditions mean you need to approach breathwork with caution and, should you choose to participate, you need to do so at a slower pace than most people. This is your responsibility. 

  • Pregnancy (if pregnant no breath holds or belly pumps)

  • Epilepsy

  • Recent surgery 

  • Cardiovascular issues

  • High blood pressure not controlled by medications

  • Aneurysms

  • Glaucoma

  • Heavy medication


We may pay commissions to third parties arising from your entering into this agreement with us.

Photography & Videos

We will at times take photographs and videos during our retreats for our website, social media and promotional material, including adverts. 

If you do not wish to be photographed or included in videos, please let the events team / events manager know this when you arrive.

Privacy Policy

TWC believes in protecting your privacy. Any personal information provided will be used in accordance with the Privacy Policy section of these Terms.

Inclusive Terms

In addition to the TWC Events terms, the following sections also form part of the TWC Terms and Conditions. Proceeding with your event registration means you also agree with these terms:

  • Refund Policy

  • Indemnity

  • General Disclaimer

  • Cookie Policy